Saturday, April 14, 2007


so... doesn't seem like many people visit here.. i might delete it, might not. i don't know. anyways...
i like a girl that doesn't want to date... i respect that... but... my timing sucks. something like this happens every time to me, EVERY TIME! the saddest thing about it is that i like her more then any other girl ever. do i wait or do i move on? that is the question.


Tom said...

I don't know what to tell you Rob, I have similar problems.

FireNipplez said...

I know that you probably do not like me and you most likely not take my advice but if this is the girl that you really really like and you think that is could go somewhere productive then you wait and keep trying. Hell she might just give you a chance in the end for keeping at it.

Robby said...

i still consider u my friend buck, and right now. i was thinking the same thing.

Helen said...

well, being a girl (and I AM!) i know kinda what the feeling is. like if a guy kinda just tells a girl he likes her or asks her out and she might stray away and say no, but given some time for her to study and think about it, she just might turn around. i did that once and by the time i decided yes i did kinda like this person he already had a girlfriend. so, do what you want, maybe waiting would work.